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Most of us never have time for breakfast in the morning because we are always in a hurry to get out the door! Did you know that eating breakfast boosts your metabolism, and increases your overall energy for the day? Put the following ingredients in a blender for a quick Breakfast-On-The-Go...

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Creamy Rich Cocoa Pudding Recipe

Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to be healthier? Try these healthier cuisine substitutes in your recipes as a way to reach your goals this year. Use TOFU instead of: Yogurt in a Fruit Smoothie Cream in Pureed Soups Oil/Sour Cream …. In dressings, dips etc. Milk in...

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Sugar and Olive Oil Body Scrub Recipe

You Need: 3 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2 Tablespoons Honey ½ Cup Sugar Measuring utensils 1 Chopstick or stirring stick 1 Clean container Steps: Add the Extra Virgin Olive Oil to your container Next, add the honey Add the sugar to the mixture Stir well with the chopstick...

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5 Tips for the Spa-lidays

Whether you are winding down from a long day of shopping, or rejuvenating your skin for tonight’s holiday get-together, let Spa Gregorie’s help you make the most of your holiday season with our “5 Tips for the Spa-lidays”: Hydrate: Although we love the chilly winter days, for some, they...

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A Holiday Blessing

May you wake up each morning feeling refreshed and renewed, totally inspired and invigorated by the new day’s light, knowing that wonderful things are about to happen. May you breathe in and fully celebrate each precious moment of your life while it’s happening, knowing that the present is all...

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8 Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating

It’s just around the corner…before you know it, here it comes. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza; the parties, the dinners, the cocktails, Oh My!  What’s a health conscious eater to do?  Well, as they say in the Boy Scouts, always be prepared and confronting holiday eating is no exception.  Use...

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