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Why a Chemical Peel?

A skin peel involves the application of a chemical or enzyme to the skin as a means to facilitate exfoliation and reveal newer, fresher skin underneath. Skin peels range from mild, which cause little irritation and recovery time, to deep, which can require a week to a month  recovery....

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Spa Gregorie’s Combines The Latest Technology With The Best In Skincare To Create The Ultimate Anti-Aging Powerhouse With The LED – Lovelier Everyday Facial

Revitalight® LED Photopulsation is coupled with fabulous skincare solutions to lighten, brighten and rejuvenate. Spa Gregorie’s announces the latest addition to its line-up of results-driven anti-aging solutions with LED – Lovelier Every Day Facial. Revitalight LED (light-emitting diodes) Photopulsation technology is combined with customized cocktail facial remedies for the ultimate...

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That’s a Wrap!

The perfect wrap starts when you call to make the appointment. An educated spa coordinator will help you choose the right wrap for you, taking into consideration the season or any upcoming occasion. The process starts with a light exfoliation from head to toe to take off any dead skin....

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Sunscreen Savvy

By Sophia Parmenter, Spa Gregorie’s Esthetician Sunscreen – also known as sunblock or suntan lotion – is a topical product that helps protect the skin from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It reduces sunburn and other skin damage with the goal of lowering the risk of skin cancer, which...

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The ABCD’s Of Moles

After having an initial mole check with your dermatologist, here are some things to keep close watch on: A: ASYMMETRY This is when one half of a mole doesn’t match the other half. B: BORDER IRREGULARITY This is when the edges of a mole are ragged, notched, or blurred....

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Protect the Skin You’re In!

Living in Southern California, our incidence of skin cancer and melanomas is dramatically increased due to our love of the outdoors combined with increased sun exposure. Here are some tips to keep skin safe from damage and disease: Sun avoidance is the best defense against skin cancer. Seek shade...

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Simple Tips for Men’s Skin Care

Practice a skin care regimen twice a day, even if it is simply washing with cleanser and water, and using a good moisturizer. Daily face washing will keep pores unclogged. Before shaving, take a warm shower or steam the face with a warm cloth to soften the pores. Use...

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