Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer: 10 Steps Every Woman Should Consider by Dr. Pia Martin DC, CCN, CWC, CHC Last year over 200,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer and 60,000 cases of non-invasive breast cancer were diagnosed. A woman’s risk of getting breast cancer has jumped from 1 in...
You have breast cancer. 1 in 8 women will hear those words at some point in her life. While it’s not perfect, we know that getting a regular mammogram is the very best way to detect breast cancer in it earliest and most survivable stages. The San Diego Affiliate...
By Sophia Parmenter, Lead Esthetician at Spa Gregorie’s Though spa treatments are both effective and relaxing, not everyone has the time or the money to devote to regular spa sessions. But no need to worry; you can achieve great skin at home by using quality skin care and remembering...
By Lani-Ann Matsunaga, Licensed Massage Therapist at Spa Gregorie’s Del Mar The application of an ice pack reduces the flow of blood to the injured area, which in turn causes a reduction of local inflammation. By helping your body reduce inflammation, there is less pressure on the region, which...
They Teach It at Stanford In an evening class at Stanford the last lecture was on the mind-body connection – the relationship between stress and disease. The speaker (head of psychiatry at Stanford) said, among other things, that one of the best things that a man could do for...
For stressed out hair, stylist Heidi Bennett of The Salon at Spa Gregorie’s in RSM recommends bringing a little spa and relaxation to your everyday shower with Kerastase’s Forcintense Vita Ciment conditioning treatment. Directions: 1. Light ‘Paper White’ scented Archipelago candle before showering. It’s fresh like clean laundry...
The Guest House This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its...
When the beach is calling, there’s no need to let a blemish, or sneaky stubble get in the way. CBS 8 – San Diego News‘ Kimberly King speaks with Spa Director Carmel Abbgy from Spa Gregorie’s Del Mar on tips to get rid of those pesky summer problems. Click...
Massage Therapist Lani-Ann Matsunaga at our Spa Gregorie’s Del Mar location recommends taking part in yoga for achieving a healthy lifestyle. The benefits of yoga exercise are tremendous, including improved flexibility, more strength, better concentration, improved posture, and better breathing, just to name a few. Lani shares one of her...
The therapists, estheticians, and staff at Spa Gregorie’s in Del Mar share their favorite tips, advice, and affirmations for living well and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Dehydration can be a huge problem during the warmer, summer months. Drink lots of water when it’s hot out to help rehydrate your skin...