After three long months of shorts and swimsuits, warm air and beachy ocean, you can start to feel the chill in the air: Fall is finally here! But, don’t let your motivation to be active and healthy get stored away with the bikes and surfboards. Here are a few ways to stay healthy throught the fall and the rest of the year!
We know it is hard to exercise when its cold and gloomy outside, but we encourage you to keep with your summer exercise routine. Regular workouts during the fall can help snap you out of your fall funk. The cooler temperatures will actually create an easier and less dehydrating workout.
Eat Well
During summer we tend to be a bit more aware of what we put in our mouths. When Fall comes, we sometimes gain weight due to healthier eating during the summer season. To avoid piling on extra pounds, eat plenty of apples, pumpkins and hearty greens such as Brussels sprouts that are all in season in the fall. Fruits and vegetables with dark, rich colors, such as kale and pomegranate are also this fall’s go-to foods, as they are packed with essential vitamins and nutrients.
Improve Your Immune System
The common cold is highly contagious — it can be inhaled or picked up from tainted surfaces and rubbed into an eye or the mouth or a nostril. But beyond frequent hand washing, there are a number of ways you can raise your immunity.
Getting enough zzz’s is crucial to the proper functioning of your immune system. Make sure you have a well-established sleep pattern and you get at least 7 to 8 hours of solid sleep. High stress levels also play a role in impairing our immune system as people who are under persistent stress are more likely to get ill when exposed to cold viruses than people who aren’t. While it seems tough to combat chronic stress, daily meditation can make a huge difference. Another way to strengthen your immunity during cold and flu season is to maintain a regular exercise routine.
So try these simple tips and help make fall a fun and healthy time this fall.