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Health Benefits of Regular Visits to the Spa

Health Benefits of Regular Visits to the Spa

Health Benefits of Regular Visits to the Spa

Many people see visiting a day spa as an extravagance and something that can be crossed out of the budget when money gets tight. However it is very important to take the proper care of your body and of your mind (especially during stressful times), and visiting a spa for a regular treatment is the perfect way to do this. You may be surprised at some of the physical health benefits you receive from regular visits to the spa.

Spa treatments and massage therapies provide both mental and physical health benefits. Multiple studies have shown that the frequency of visiting a spa directly correlates with better quality sleep, fewer sick days, reduced absenteeism from work and fewer hospitalizations. The heat from a hydrotherapy tub, sauna or steam shower soothes aches and pains from arthritis, fibromyalgia and other joint issues, and massages can improve blood circulation and manage blood pressure.

Throughout the process of massage therapy, lymph flow stimulation enhances the immune system. Proper lymph flow, the body’s defense, draws out metabolic waste, excess water, toxins, and bacteria from the muscles. This allows swelling and soreness to decrease, while ability to fight off disease increases. Regular spa massage also improves blood flow, circulation and posture.

Facials, body wraps and mud baths detoxify the skin from built-up waste and bacteria. This is important because the skin is not only the largest organ in the body, but also the first line of defense against environmental toxins. Facials also release stress tension from the head and neck, which can prevent headaches. Body treatments such as wraps, scrubs and mud baths, exfoliate and nourish the skin through the earth’s natural elements, like soil, clay, and water, which are full of vitamins and minerals.

As an additional stress reliever, most spas use products within the treatment that increase the physical and mental benefits of your particular service. Lotions, scrubs, and wraps come in soothing scents like lavender, eucalyptus, and aloe, that provide great soothing and healing properties for your body. Going to a spa is a way of getting taken care and can help you better deal with stress.


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