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No More Animal Testing in Cosmetics!

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No More Animal Testing in Cosmetics!

We’re so happy to live in a state that is banning animal testing in cosmetics! The California Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act was just recently signed by our governor, making it against the law to sell any cosmetics in California if the final product or any part of it was tested on animals starting in 2020. California will now lead the country in supporting modern cosmetic safety testing while protecting animals from unnecessary suffering. Many notable cosmetics companies support this move, and we’re happy to say that we sell several of those brands products. Arcona and Eminence Organics are even Leaping Bunny Approved, which means they have cleared animal testing from all stages of product development. To read more about the California Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act click here and to read more about the Leaping Bunny Standard click here.


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