Face it, even when you fuel your body with whole grains, lean protein, and fruits and vegetables all day long, sometimes you find yourself raiding the kitchen cabinets at 9 p.m. because you’re starving. Still, when you’re hungry, you’re hungry—and not all bedtime snacks are diet-ruiners; some healthy ones can actually promote sleep, while still […]
There are many ways to add healthy choices to your lifestyle, and revamping your kitchen is one of them. Studies have shown that having a new kitchen, or simply adding to the old one can help people make healthier choices when it comes to things like their diet, or even going green. You don’t have […]
Everyone enjoys a good kiss. What’s not to like? The reasons people kiss range from saying hello and goodbye, to getting in the mood. With all the wonderful health benefits that are associated with kissing you can add ten more great things to that list. 1. Boost Your Happy Hormones You know how kissing gives […]
How to Sit Properly at a Desk and Don’t Forget to Get Up and Move Around! For a lot of us who sit in front of the computer most days, it’s hard to remember that sitting there without movement for long periods of time is not especially good for our bodies. Do you sit at […]
STRESS. It’s that feeling as soon as you leave for work in the morning to the moment you get home in the evening: the thought of piles of projects and approaching deadlines; of having to please clients and avoid cash shortfalls; of hassles, frustrations and demands that cause constant aches on your body and overwhelm […]